About Us

Our company

We provide
high-quality organic products

M.F.H.S Agro Private Limited has involved in major commodity supplies of all kinds of agro Commodities Viz., Wheat, Rice, Maize, Corn, Pearl Mild (Bajra), Glycine max Merrill (Soya Been), All types of Lentils (Dal), Basmati Rice, etc.

M.F.H.S Private Limited works with the ambition of creating a niche for supplying all types of Agro commodities in India.


We are currently dealing with reputed companies Like ITC Limited, ADM, Vishwabharti, Balaji Rice Industries, Midas, & Patanjali. We have reached a business target of 500 Cr in MFHS Agro Private Limited. In Future days, we are Trying to Reach + a 1000 Cr Target. We are increasing our client base by handling many corporate customers and retail outlets like Reliance Fresh, Hyper city, Home Town, More stores, D-Mart, Margin Free Market, etc. Positive changes in the Trading and supply chain facility has improved the profitability of the company in the Rice, Wheat, Maize, Corn, etc. sector due to which we have successfully tapped new industries and manufacturers of several advanced products.


M.F.H.S Agro has a vision of becoming one of the leaders in supplying the commodities industry and being recognized for the passion of its people in providing quality to the customers it serves in society.

“We are a company that never stops trying to do it better”

At M.F.H.S Agro Pvt Ltd, good has never been good enough. We’ve always been at the forefront of the industry –in knowledge, innovation, technology, and in pioneering new products and services. M.F.H.S Agro Pvt Ltd is moving beyond the traditional role of administrating benefits. Through innovation and personalization, we’re advancing the practice of the industry. You can count on us to continue being a catalyst for positive change because we never stop trying to do it better. M.F.H.S Agro Pvt Ltd is at the Top of the industry and close to the Heart of customers.

Our objective is to provide quality innovative care to the customer and society at large. We’re committed to not just meeting our requirements but achieving “Consumer Delight” by delivering quality products at a competitive price tag. We have also bridged the entire value chain of supreme standards of production, timely delivery as well as smooth “After Sales” support to our customers. The team at M.F.H.S Agro Pvt Ltd brings the rich and insightful experience of over 25 man-years in the commodity supply industry. We are capitalizing on this experience and knowledge for constant innovation, thereby creating a new industry benchmark through consistent engagement with cutting-edge technology and people management.

The objective of the Company :

                                                         To achieve this mission and fulfill our vision, we have three strategic goals and a management integration goal. Each strategic goal involves everyday activities.

Objective 1.1

To Enhance the economic growth of M.F.H.S Agro Company by developing partnerships with Key Industry Players and Develop Supply Chain organizations/ Management.

Objective 1.2

To Advance in responsible economic growth and trade.

Objective 1.3

               To Enhance the supply of key economic and demographic data to support effective decision-making of policymakers Of the Company.


Mr. Syed Sajid Ali 

                          Mr. Syed Sajid Ali’s skills to accomplish his duties with the highest level of integrity. Mr.Sajid Ali would contribute in an effective and efficient manner to the daily operations of Agro Industries.

Mr. Syed Junaid Ali (Director)

                       Mr. Syed Junaid Ali 26 years is a young and dynamic personality with great energy and has experience of being on the Trading side. He has Proficiency in developing and improving processes so as to get quality products. He is aiming towards the highest growth, where he can put his hard and sincere efforts, creativity, teamwork, and leadership to achieve the ultimate goal of the organization, he has excellent leadership and management skills both. He also takes care of the Purchase side of the company.